David León, and his Zelda Dungeon Generation in Unity3D

Zelda Dungeon Generation in Unity3D The other day, I found a post in Reddit’s /r/Unity3D to random procedural Zelda-style map generation using a binary-tree by a dude named David León, a game programmer. He goes on to explain his method for generating the maps, and even has downloads to his source code. He also has a bunch of … More David León, and his Zelda Dungeon Generation in Unity3D

C++ Link: A-star Shortest Path Algorithm (C++ recipe)

Thank you, StumbleUpon! I just so happen to have come across a handy code snippet for the A* pathfinding algorithm.  This is pretty much a staple in any AI programmer’s arsenal. So here’s the code! Enjoy, peoples! A-star Shortest Path Algorithm (C++ recipe) Update! Oct. 13, 2017 Seeing how this is one of the more … More C++ Link: A-star Shortest Path Algorithm (C++ recipe)